
Welcome to PointClickCare CNA Guides, your top resource for tips, tutorials, and insights on using the PointClickCare platform.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower healthcare professionals, especially frontline staff like CNAs, nurses, and therapists, to maximize their use of PointClickCare technology. We aim to help users harness the full power of PointClickCare CNA to enhance productivity, care coordination, compliance and quality.

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Who We Are

PointClickCare Guides is the leading online publication providing practical guidance on using PointClickCare solutions for senior care. Our writers have extensive knowledge and hands-on experience leveraging PointClickCare in various healthcare settings. 

Our focus is creating actionable, easy-to-understand educational content so that even non-technical users can master PointClickCare. We cover beginner tutorials, advanced features, troubleshooting tips, product updates, case studies from fellow users, and more.

Our Approach 

We take a user-focused approach in our writing. Our content is designed to directly address the pain points and common use cases of PointClickCare users in their daily work. We cover each topic in a step-by-step, jargon-free manner with visuals to facilitate learning.

PointClickCare CNA Guides emphasizes real-world applicability over theoretical concepts. Our guidance can be immediately put into practice to drive adoption across your organization.

Meet Our Team

Our team includes writers with clinical backgrounds such as nursing, therapy, and pharmacy. This medical domain expertise informs our writing and examples. We also collaborate with subject matter experts and power users across healthcare facilities.

Our ultimate goal is equipping your staff with the confidence and ability to use PointClickCare technology to its fullest in service of delivering top-quality, person-centered care.

Thank you for choosing PointClickCare CNA Guides as your trusted PointClickCare resource. Please explore our website and contact us with any feedback or requests!

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